Perspectives on Health and Wellbeing with Dr Tim Stevenson

Thank you for visiting our website, where I hope that you will find the answers to some of your medical queries and where I hope that you will find some interesting perspectives on health and wellbeing

We have all heard the old adage “prevention is better than cure”, however my vision of being healthy is much further up that life journey river, it is not just avoiding being ill, it is, as the world health organisation defined Health over 70 years ago, a state of complete physical psychological and social wellbeing ,not merely the absence of disease.

The concept of an intersecting web of physical, psychological and social influences, both positive and negative, lets us see that our actions have the power to influence not only our own health but in a social setting the health of others.

We will highlight the importance of optimising our psychological wellbeing and resilience to enable us to deal with and shape most areas of our lives and indeed those of our families and communities.

The Healthy Company and my podcasts “In healthy company” will explore many areas of the physical psychological and social influences on wellbeing and will aim to showcase how some of my guests have dealt with or are dealing with challenges.

We are unable to give health advice on an individual basis however please feel free to e mail us at [email protected] if there are any areas of health and wellbeing that you would like us to explore in future  podcasts or articles.

The website also provides details of my own medical practice and consultancy services and has links to commercial partners and products that I have found useful on a personal or professional level.

The Healthy Library highlights some of the books that I have read or used as reference material either in my professional life or personally in my hobbies such as sailing .

The Treatment Room showcases first aid kits for most scenarios and is drawn from my own experience on the football field, in the office or at sea.

I do hope that you find the website interesting and useful, and that my podcasts might act as a catalyst in your own journey towards wellbeing.


Dr Tim Stevenson   GMC No. 2945954